On Monday Clay and I were on the way home from TKD practice and he tells me
Clay: Mom, at the beginning of school we did this thing that tells you about yourself
Me: oh and what did it tell you?
Clay: Well I landed on a 9 and that says I fall in and out of love really easy, and you know thats really true about me, It also said I was Romantic too.
Me: Uhhh
Clay: Its really true.
Me: What else did it say?
Clay: I can't remember about all that other stuff.
After I picked my mouth up out of my lap he started talking about music and he was done with his deep thoughts for now... hahaha
Oh boy I cannot imagine what we are in store for. But it was the sweetest and funniest thing, it reminded me how I thought when I was 10. I loved, I couldn't ever imagine telling my parents about it though. I really hope he continues to feel that he can tell us anything.